Which Acne Alternative Treatment Is Right For Your Acne?

Which Acne Alternative Treatment Is Right For Your Acne?
By Tim Gorman

If you suffer from acne then you already know that there are hundreds of acne alternative treatments being sold in stores and online. In fact if you do a search for acne alternative treatments using the Internet you will find a myriad of websites that are stuffed full of testimonies from former acne sufferers who have used the latest zit and pimple treatments in order to eliminate their irritating skin blemishes. Unfortunately what these testimonies can't do for you is guarantee the elimination of your acne because every individual that has acne could very well need a different type of acne fighting solution. The actual proof is in the pudding so to speak. You won't know 100% for sure if an acne alternative treatment will cure your blackheads until you actually try it out on your acne.

For many consumers that have successfully eliminated their acne it only came after they had gone through a lineup consisting of acne topical treatments, a dose of pimple fighting antibiotics and in the most serious acne cases a prescribed treatment using Accutane. If these are considered the traditional methods of treating your acne then what about the alternative or nontraditional acne fighting solutions? Can they effectively prevent an acne outbreak from happening on your skin? Just like the routine ways of fighting zits, you won't know if an alternative method will work until you actually try it for yourself.

Before trying any alternative acne treatment it is highly recommended that you become an educated consumer. You can accomplish this task by asking around with your family and friends, chances are one of them is suffering from acne or has recently cured their acne outbreak. Check to see if they used any type of alternative means or methods to clear their skin up. If they did, then use that combination of prescribed treatment on your own acne to see if you can duplicate the same results. I'm sure you already know this, but traditional acne remedies are rather expensive. Fortunately many of the active acne fighting ingredients are the same in the cheaper alternative solutions. It may be worth it to experiment with the lesser priced creams and zit cleansing solutions in order to cure your acne at a reasonable price.

One aspiring method of alternative acne treatment involves the use of a naturopath. This professional specializes in the use of gentle cleaners made from herbs and vitamins to treat you acne. In fact, they have been known to clear up acne by prescribing a simple treatment plan consisting of regular dosages of Vitamin A, which is what the more expensive Accutane is derived from.

Another very promising method of alternate acne treatment focuses on the use of red and blue ultraviolet rays of light. This regiment of light therapy treatment can be done in the comfort of your own home with a laser that safely emits the required light rays. For a more powerful application you can seek outside help from a trained esthetician who specializes in using a more power light emitter too cure your acne.

The reality is even if traditional means of curing acne don't truly work on your eliminating your unsightly skin blemishes you don't have to despair. There are many different acne fighting alternative treatments that you can easily and safely try out to see which one is right for curing your zits and pimples.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Clear-Skin-Solutions.com. He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne alternative treatments that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=TimGorman